The next fortnightly Club lotto draw will take place this Saturday night, at Walsh’s Corner House, when the jackpot will be €2,600.



The first Club meeting of 2018 will be held on Monday next February 5th at 9 p.m. sharp. On  Monday February 19th the annual Mass for deceased members and benefactors will be celebrated in the Club Hall at 8 p.m. and will be followed by the usual Club meeting.



We extend best wishes, for the future, this week, to our esteemed member and sponsor, Ger O’Sullivan on the recent extension and refurbishment of his Centra Store.



The Club in association with Get Ireland Walking and Operation Transformation has started a walking group each Monday night, commencing last Monday night.  It will continue for the next four Monday nights 7 -9 p.m.  Free registration in G.A.A. Hall from 7 p.m. The walk venue is in the Village Park, Fermoy Road.   Why not get all the family out to “ Get Moving, Get Active”!


The Avondhu, 1st February 2018