The last Club lotto jackpot of 2017, which was €2,000, was not won when the fortnightly draw took place at Walsh’s Corner House, on Saturday December 23rd.

The numbers drawn were: 1, 7, 8 and 26. Three lucky dip winners of €50 each were:

1. Anna Coffey, Kilclooney

2. Mary Clancy, Doneraile

3. Kathleen Dwane, Farahy.

The next draw will be held at Sheahan’s Hilltop Lounge, on this Saturday January 6th when the jackpot will be €2,200.



The Club’s annual general meeting is just a week away. It will be held on Friday night next week, January 12th at 7.30 p.m. This is a most important event in the Club’s calendar and we look forward to the customary large attendance.  Intending new members will be especially welcome.



Sympathy is extended this week to the following: the brother, sister and relatives of the late John O’Connor, Graigue, Shanballymore; the husband, daughter and relatives of the late Pam O’Keeffe, Ballyanihan; the son, daughters, sister and relatives of the late Susan Ward, Youghal and formerly of Kildorrery; the sons, daughters, brother, sister and relatives of the late Ann English (nee O’Brien), Kilfinane, formerly of Farahy ; the family and relatives of the late Patrick Walsh, Hill House, on their recent bereavements.  Ar dheis De go raibh anamacha na marbh.


The Avondhu, 4th January 2018